sábado, 15 de junho de 2013
MotoGP 13 – XBOX 360
  • Title : MotoGP 13 – XBOX 360
  • Author :
  • Date : 06:01
  • Labels :

MotoGP 13 – XBOX 360

A série MotoGP ganhará um novo capítulo com MotoGP 13  game que deve ser lançado para PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PS Vita e PCs. MotoGP 13 deve apresentar atualizações constantes baseadas em corridas do mundo real. Se você viu algo que aconteceu durante algum GP, eventos parecidos poderão ser reproduzidos no game.

Nome: MotoGP 2013Plataforma: XBOX 360
Distribuidora: Millestone Studios
Idioma: InglesRegião:PAL
Formato: ISO(XGD2)
Lançamento: 15 de Junho de 2013 2013
Desbloqueio: 2.0/3.0

\\//\\//\\//\\//\//\ \ \/ /┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\─────└─┘└─┘└─┘─v1.0.6───────[http://abgx360.net]────
Checking for updates to abgx360.dat...

* About to connect() to abgx360.net port 80 (#0)
* Trying * connected
* Connected to abgx360.net ( port 80 (#0)
> GET /Apps/Stealth360/abgx360.dat HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: abgx360 v1.0.6 (Windows)
Host: abgx360.net
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
If-Modified-Since: Sat, 11 May 2013 14:42:36 GMT

< HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
< Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 10:42:18 GMT
< Server: Apache
< ETag: "997a925-73f-4d9002d4b9c80"
< Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent
* Connection #0 to host abgx360.net left intact

Server file abgx360.dat no newer than local file - not retrieving

dvd needs to be created
dvd was created

Checking Game
ISO: "F:\DwnlData\MotoGP.13.PAL.XBOX360-COMPLEX\complex-motogp13\Mtr-G-P-13
Size: 7838695424 bytes
Game partition offset: 0xFD90000
Root sector: 881779 (0x7B7C9800), 2048 bytes
default.xex sector: 450797 (0x46E06800), 7634944 bytes
Files in ISO: 111, Folders in ISO: 18
Total bytes used: 5193116438 (71.15%)
Game appears to have random padding

Checking default.xex
Module Flags: Title Module
Image Flags: Original Media Only
64 KB Pages
System Flags: Uses Game Voice Channel
Pal50 Incompatible
Title ID: 513107D1 (Q1-2001)
Ver / Base Ver: v0.0.0.4 / v0.0.0.4
Disc Number: 1 of 1
Original PE Filename: Launcher.exe
Original PE Timestamp: 2013/05/09 16:22:43
Min Kernel Required: v2.0.16202.0
Allowed Media Types: Xbox 360 Original Disc
Game Ratings: PEGI: 3+
BBFC: Uc (Universal Children)
USK: All Ages
OFLC-AU: G (General)
OFLC-NZ: G (General)
FPB: PG (Parental Guidance recommended)
Compression Info: Compressed and Encrypted
Title Type: Full Game Title
Dashboard Languages: English (default)
Game Name: MotoGP(TM)13
No Avatar Awards
Achievements: 50 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore
XEX Media ID: E6BC2CF094A7A6C2B6F00219-2F188B5A

Region Code: 0x00FF0000

Checking SS
04FB20h ─────── PSN ──────> 20339Fh DFCC60h ─────── PSN ──────> FB04DFh
│ L0 Data Area = 1783936 sectors │ L1 Data Area = 1783936 sectors │
0x000FD90000 ────────> 0x00E99CFFFF 0x00E99D0000 ────────> 0x01C360FFFF
<───────────────── 3567872 sectors (7307001856 bytes) ────────────────>

Timestamp of Authoring: 2013/05/10 00:00:00
Timestamp of Mastering: 2013/05/24 13:05:45
SS Version: 2 (trusted)
CT RT CID Tol Mod Typ Data CD Response Angle Deviation
── ── ── ── ── ── ───────────── ──────── ────────── ───── ────────────
14 30 00 00 A9247F62 67F352F7
03 30 00 04A9B0 04B9AF A9247F62 67F352F700
15 47 00 00 2AE99FEC 24A9CA24
01 47 00 20D7F0 20E7EF 2AE99FEC 24A9CA2400
14 C6 00 00 FC4D4A9B 0C4708B6
03 C6 00 DF8600 DF95FF FC4D4A9B 0C4708B600
15 51 00 00 3D2825E1 61C1AF57
01 51 00 FB5B80 FB6B7F 3D2825E1 61C1AF5700
24 1F 0F 00 B88703A7 B8870001 1
07 1F 00 04A9B0 04B72F B88703A7 0100000100
v1 deviation from CCRT 1 0 (00.0%)
v2 deviation from CCRT 1 0 (00.0%)
v1 deviation from v2 0 (00.0%)
25 31 0F 00 0EB7D340 0EB7005B 91
05 31 00 20D7F0 20E56F 0EB7D340 5B00005B00
v1 deviation from CCRT 91 0 (00.0%)
v2 deviation from CCRT 91 0 (00.0%)
v1 deviation from v2 0 (00.0%)
24 94 0F 00 4B1892FB 4B1800B5 181
07 94 00 DF8600 DF937F 4B1892FB B50000B500
v1 deviation from CCRT 181 0 (00.0%)
v2 deviation from CCRT 181 0 (00.0%)
v1 deviation from v2 0 (00.0%)
25 B2 0F 00 836E2D97 836E010F 271
05 B2 00 FB5B80 FB68FF 836E2D97 0F01000F01
v1 deviation from CCRT 271 0 (00.0%)
v2 deviation from CCRT 271 0 (00.0%)
v1 deviation from v2 0 (00.0%)
01 EC 00 00 A0700F90 97ECE7A5
00 EC 00 C097EC 62E7A5 00000000 0000000000
E0 4D 00 00 164F19EA 3A59BD9C
E0 4D 00 9D3A59 94BD9C 00000000 0000000000
CPR_MAI: A0700F90
SS CRC = D011BCFB (RawSS = 9C8A931E)
SS Media ID: E6BC2CF094A7A6C2B6F00219-2F188B5A (matches game)
SS looks valid

Checking DMI
Timestamp of Authoring: 2013/05/10 00:00:00 (matches SS)
Catalog Number: Q1-2001-01-E0-4X1
DMI CRC = 2819F19B
DMI Media ID: E6BC2CF094A7A6C2B6F00219-2F188B5A (matches game)
DMI looks valid

Checking PFI
030000h ─────── PSN ──────> 04147Fh FBEB80h ─────── PSN ──────> FCFFDFh
│ L0 Data Area = 0070784 sectors │ L1 Data Area = 0070752 sectors │
0x0000000000 ────────> 0x0008A3FFFF 0x01CA960000 ────────> 0x01D338FFFF
<───────────────── 0141536 sectors (0289865728 bytes) ────────────────>

PFI CRC = 169EF597
PFI matches known data (17th - 18th Wave)

Video partition found
Volume ID: "CD_ROM"
Volume space size: 70728 sectors (144850944 bytes)
Volume creation date & time: 2012/11/18 16:00:00 (GMT-08:00)
Video CRC = D4BF3450 (V0 = 86BC5B58, V1 = 6947FDA0)
Video partition matches known data (18th Wave)

Basic Stealth check passed!

Starting Verification
Looking for D011BCFBC2BFA611.ini in the online verified database

* Connection #0 seems to be dead!
* Closing connection #0
* About to connect() to abgx360.net port 80 (#0)
* Trying * connected
* Connected to abgx360.net ( port 80 (#0)
> GET /Apps/verified/D011BCFBC2BFA611.ini HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: abgx360 v1.0.6 (Windows)
Host: abgx360.net
Accept: */*

* The requested URL returned error: 404
* Closing connection #0

There is no verified rip of this Xex/SS combination in the online database
Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex/SS combination
Attempting to at least verify the PFI, Video and game data
Looking for Xex_C2BFA611.ini in the online verified database

* About to connect() to abgx360.net port 80 (#0)
* Trying * connected
* Connected to abgx360.net ( port 80 (#0)
> GET /Apps/verified/Xex_C2BFA611.ini HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: abgx360 v1.0.6 (Windows)
Host: abgx360.net
Accept: */*

* The requested URL returned error: 404
* Closing connection #0

There is no verified rip of Xex CRC C2BFA611 in the online database
Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex
Verification failed

Press any key to exit . . .



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-Post By- Alex Bruxão Cybers Games
Tecnologia do Blogger.